Easily search directly from a notebook among public datasets using the search apis provided by ckan of your choice
Automatically load a dataset creating a working snippet of code for many programming languages. Supported languages: python3, R, Julia, Scala.
Analyse open datasets using the seamless analytics support from nteract. Creating charts using semiotic library and many data science libraries and programming languages
Save your analyses as new open datasets enabling sharing and reuse of your work
Search resources
(aka dataset) by connecting
on any ckan server
Automatically create a snippet of
code inside a notebook for loading and analysing a dataset
Save the results of your analyses
as a new dataset inside ckan. Share for creating and reusing open datasets
In this notebook we analyse cause of death in Italy. Datasets are loaded from ckan into the notebook and analysed for providing insight about trends.
European italian elections analyses on this notebook. For opening using nterct follow this instructions.
The community of public services' developers